Reactionary doodle to the why-am-I-not-surprised news Trump denigrated those who served and died in the military as "losers", "suckers", and... god-knows what else.
Honor, Courage, Valor "trumps" Selfishness, Ignorance, Cowardice.
Reactionary doodle to the why-am-I-not-surprised news Trump denigrated those who served and died in the military as "losers", "suckers", and... god-knows what else.
Honor, Courage, Valor "trumps" Selfishness, Ignorance, Cowardice.
Question: how many times must the Trump administration make the country great again?
Well, according to Pence's RNC speech, more than once!
A sliiiightly exaggerating quote, total credit/inspiration for this gag courtesy of Rachel Maddow - envisioning a new line of "MAGA-A-A-A-A!" embroidered Republican swag.
Dateline: The Final Night Of The RNC Convention, The Lawn Of The White House, Washington D. C., August 27, 2020
The first thing that sprung to mind when seeing Trump in front of his followers was Homer's "Leader" chant (to the rhythm of Batman's Theme Song) from "The Joy of Sect" (S9-E13):
DNC's virtual convention is done - by most accounts, a critical success - now, we take you into Trump's "Executive Time" room where a dialog as to RNC's lineup is underway:
Yes... more scribbles. Sorry.
Clockwise, from top-left: a cheap political shot at Trump, and a very topical message on the blatant gutting of the USPS; USPS trucks will most likely be the next casualty in the Postmaster general's "budget cuts"; our tethered space cadets abandon ship after discovering a stowaway space spider; and, to fill out the page, more and more communities take notice their beloved USPS drop boxes are missing.
Yet another Scribble-dee-doo-dah Day.
Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets foot patrolling it on an untamed alien surface; drew this while watching Trump at his N.J. Bedminster golf course as he declared - yet again - "the virus will disappear" in front of a supportive covid-19-ignorant rich bastard audience (golf clubs/bags represents said audience); Don Vader "enlightens" Capt. Needa the need to be less incompetent; and our space cadets run into some trouble with marauding space mollusks.
Another Scribble-dee-doo-dah Day.
Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets scale alien planet cliff face; Trump visits Florida in the middle of a raging pandemic... and a friggin' hurricane; nobody likes Trump because, apparently, people keep dying; and we go back almost 20 years to figure out how we got into this whole mess in the first place (the answer will shock you!).
Time for another scribble-dee-doo-dah session in front of the TV on another frosty Friday morn' (with pancakes!!!).
Clockwise, from left: Brick Tamland cheats on lamp; Governor Kemp knowing what's best for his state; random space cadets and 1-spatula general; aaand, as always, one clueless Trump.
The below was purely an exercise of “well, I have nothing to do, and the cable news is bumming me out… maybe I’ll pick up a pen & legal pad and see what happens…”
Clockwise, from left: cowboy; some glamorous babe; I don’t know what this is all about; that asshole Trump; this maybe a badly drawn Roger Stone-esque character flanked by mindless cronies/supporters (as he was on the TV at the time when scribbling away).
When a Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dah event starts, just like in the example above, I have no agenda in mind when the pen begins to make random lines on the page - those lines sometimes will cross the path of other lines, and so on and on… until I eventually see crude forms, then build up from there. I had no idea I’d summon a cowboy from a rudimentary cube; how was I supposed to know a girl would appear from two curvy pen strokes (both accidental)?; as for the, err, grandma(?) and the one-eyed teddy bear on a leash… THAT JUST HAPPENED! No idea where my head was at for that one.
Look, ma’! I see a new star in the sky… wait… nevermind, it’s just an orange sack’o’crap floating around in orbit.
“Save me SPACE FORCE™!”
Backstory: MSNBC had an inspiring segment for the upcoming 34th Shuttle Challenger anniversary. It was a short, nostalgic piece, but I wanted more. So I drifted away over to youtube and watched grainy 1986 archival footage of CBS’ “Live” launch coverage and ultimately “Breaking News” with Dan Rather.
After an hour of this, I flipped back to MSNBC to watch that bloated orange sack’o’crap in front of the WH press core just barfing up horribleness about everyone not named “Trump” - you know, the usual behaviour of a grifter who’d say anything to disparage, deflect, create social carnage… you can guess I’m no fan of this clown (I look forward to your comments).
And with that, the Challenger anniversary, recent rumblings from Team Trump about Space Force, my utter disdain for this president… I HAD to draw something (I can’t keep yelling at the TV forever).
Star Wars politics and GOP idiocracy finally align…
Alternate title: “How To Get Kicked Out Of A Facebook Group Without Really Trying”
Posted this on a Facebook Group page dedicated to Starlog Magazine fans - for which I was one and also a A-C-T-U-A-L legit contributor to the A-C-T-U-A-L Starlog Magazine for a little over 10 years.
Anyways, so somebody posted something to the group - can’t remember what - and they’d mentioned “Space Force” - not the new Trump-termed military space arm of US forces (rolls eyes as I type), but the long-forgotten 1978 TV pilot of the same name.
So, I penned and posted this doodley-boo.
Reaction was………… mixed.
Plenty of likes, hearts and laughin’ emotes… then the anonymous comments rolled in.
“This is not funny!”
“This group is not political!”
“BANISH HIM! BANISH HIM!!!” (meaning me)
So, I was banished.
Ah, well… making friends. Making friends.