
Scribble Me Sideways! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #008

Yes... more scribbles. Sorry.

Clockwise, from top-left: a cheap political shot at Trump, and a very topical message on the blatant gutting of the USPS; USPS trucks will most likely be the next casualty in the Postmaster general's "budget cuts"; our tethered space cadets abandon ship after discovering a stowaway space spider; and, to fill out the page, more and more communities take notice their beloved USPS drop boxes are missing.

More Mindless Mess | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #007

Yet another Scribble-dee-doo-dah Day.

Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets foot patrolling it on an untamed alien surface; drew this while watching Trump at his N.J. Bedminster golf course as he declared - yet again - "the virus will disappear" in front of a supportive covid-19-ignorant rich bastard audience (golf clubs/bags represents said audience); Don Vader "enlightens" Capt. Needa the need to be less incompetent; and our space cadets run into some trouble with marauding space mollusks.

Have Page Will Fill | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #006

Another Scribble-dee-doo-dah Day.

Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets scale alien planet cliff face; Trump visits Florida in the middle of a raging pandemic... and a friggin' hurricane; nobody likes Trump because, apparently, people keep dying; and we go back almost 20 years to figure out how we got into this whole mess in the first place (the answer will shock you!).

Sunday Boredom | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #004

Oh dear! Another scribble-dee-doo-dah to fill the emptiness of my Sunday afternoon.

Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets on mission; crazy hairdo lady (page filler); nobody tells horse head mask wearin' guy to wear a mask; horse head mask extra; Beardo and the Beard Bear.

More Couch Potato Doodling | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #003

Time for another scribble-dee-doo-dah session in front of the TV on another frosty Friday morn' (with pancakes!!!).

Clockwise, from left: Brick Tamland cheats on lamp; Governor Kemp knowing what's best for his state; random space cadets and 1-spatula general; aaand, as always, one clueless Trump.