
Oh, Yeah... I Forgot I Can Post Things On The Interwebs

Just now realised I haven’t blogged anything since [see blog post below this one]… not that it matters, based on the almost nonexistent site views.

So, I guess it’s time to update no one out there on… whatever.

I’ve been drawing up stuff for work, but not ready to showcase it, at least for another month (or more)… I do have some possible gems found in the archives, might be suitable page fillers for this blog in the coming days.

Whenever I take time off from work, I usually let the company know by email with an embedded doodle in the message. The one time I didn’t do that, my boss enquired “… where’s the doodle?”. I responded with the above doodle.

The Heartbreaking Tale Of 8 Box Crayola Boy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #052

Originally doodled up August 29, 2020 as a comment to a Facebook post by TV announcer and donut connoisseur Jim Cutler.

In short, Jim recalls a particular haunting elementary school memory where his coveted box of 8 Crayola color crayons was upstaged by a fellow student Melissa "somebody" with her brand new 64 color box!

There's a whole video about it - well, a segment of (play at 4:09) - the actual video below is more to do with banned Crayola colors:

Rock Care 101 | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #051

The Pet Rock™ - the limited marketing marvel from the mid-70s. No matter the species, it just goes to show, a pet IS FOR LIFE!

Acquittal Was Always Gonna Happen; The Break Up Was A Complete Surprise | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #045

Bad News: Trump's off the hook. Again.

Good News: It's a fresh start for Polly.

Buck A Duck! A Random Twiki Doodle | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #044

Somebody blasted a “Buck Rogers In The 25th Century” publicity photo (circa late ‘70s) into my Facebook feed and… well… I had nothing to do, so my mind went to a moronic place:

Doodled for an audience of one: me!

Evolution: What A Weird, Funny Thing It Is | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #043

When Calendar Events Collide | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #042

In hindsight, it might've been prudent to check the week's calendar prior to the company shutting off the water for maintenance... alas...

Pippo... Meet Jiggles | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #040

What transpired in the doodle above can be traced back to the two arts’n’craft critters brought in to work by Licensing Lady® created by her offspring.

Below are the actual characters, seen here in happier times:

The Bernie. The Mittens. The Meme. The Monty. The Controversy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #039

The Bernie Sanders/Mittens memes… you all know what I’m talking about, right? They’re everywhere! You can’t escape them! Bernie & Mittens are the new Baby Yoda memes (thank God!).

So why not one more? And with kitties?

Why not, indeed.

The below is from Monty’s facebook page. Be warned: the following post is extremely too cute for politically delicate audiences…

See, I told ya’! It sheds of cutesy-pooness!

Now, because the above parody pic features a prominent U.S political iconoclast, it didn’t take long for the way-too-sensitive naysayers (the “stupids” as I now call ‘em) to crawl out of their hiding-behind-anonymity crevices and comment this particular post was POLITICAL.

Political”? I don’t recall Monty’s nor Molly’s names on the electoral ballot - Representatives or Senate. What are these people talking about… … … … … oh, because it features Vermont senator Bernie Sanders.

*cue facepalm*

Before negative comments could stomp all over the likes & hearts and potentially hijack the conversation, Monty’s admin had to make a disclaimer the Bernie/Mittens/Monty/Molly post was a parody. Heck, people! Monty’s people’n’kitties reside in Denmark for criminy’s sake!

As a advocate of everything parody - and to parody the stupids (no offense, stupids) - with legal pad in hand, I responded with the below scribble:

Take that, stupids!

And to the normals, you’re most welcome.

Cartoonist's Brain Fog | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #038

That orange menace was a gold mine of satirical inspiration.... but, now...

PHEW!* Finally!!! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #037

Happy Birthday, Sis! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #037.5

Presenting a wrapped "mystery" gift tied in a bow, a pizza slice embedded in a generous splattering of purple frosting, age-denying amount of candles, and a handy Pepto Bismol bottle for later...

Happy Birthday, sis!

Please Don't Touch My Flooglesmørrë | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #036

Krappy Doodle On A Legal Pad Time:

Meet Björn Østergård, Former ‘60s Danish Crooner And Recovering Smørrebrød Gourmand, Pictured Here As Game Show Host For The Popular ‘70s Swedish Television Program “Som Täppt Till Min Flooglesmørrë.”

Got Migraine? Flee! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #035

Moogoo J. Migraine From Planet Migraine Fleeing Away From That Migraine-Inducing Rock Called ‘Earth’ With A Killer Migraine!

Crazy Clown Car Of A Year Has Passed - Bring In The New Guy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #033.5

From my facebook feed on January 1st, the following meme showed up:

And so, I responded with a comment (below):

File This Under "All This Time I’ve Been Doing It Wrong!" | 001

When playing Monopoly™, why is it EVERY TIME I end up with this Chance card?

Rudy "Wicked Witch Of The West (Wing)" Giuliani | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #028

Quick doodle after seeing Rudy’s hair dye running down on all sides of his face at his completely insane “voter fraud” press conference.

And, for your pleasure, I present The Incredible Melting Giuliani:

Vote By Calorie Count | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #027

Know anyone who hasn't voted? Or won't?

Then share one of these enticing calorie-heavy panels to get them skedaddling to the voting booth.

Covid Count Conspiracy | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #026

That's typical of those devious frontline health workers -- always scheming to make a quick covid death buck!
