
Tonight At Chuckle, The Hutt | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #058

This laughin’ out loud Chewbacca bust is a full-on scaled-up version of a Post-it Note doodle that’s been stuck to my iMac at work for almost 4 years.

And if you don’t what this piece of garbage is referencing, here’s a clue.

More Mindless Mess | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #007

Yet another Scribble-dee-doo-dah Day.

Clockwise, from top-left: space cadets foot patrolling it on an untamed alien surface; drew this while watching Trump at his N.J. Bedminster golf course as he declared - yet again - "the virus will disappear" in front of a supportive covid-19-ignorant rich bastard audience (golf clubs/bags represents said audience); Don Vader "enlightens" Capt. Needa the need to be less incompetent; and our space cadets run into some trouble with marauding space mollusks.

Rebels' Hoth Base Grand Opening! Free Tauntaun Rides! (with unfunny conclusion)

Originally published in Starlog Magazine sometime in 1998.

Can you guess this is a really low-quality scan? I think the original was black & white, but was colorized decades later (I might be wrong about the former).

Anyways, the above appeared on Facebook by a 3rd-party poster.

So, with time to spare, I drew up a sequel to the above toon:

Nobody Likes A Disrespectful Ozzel.

Important Safety Tip: DO NOT mess with Darth “Grumpy” Vader’s Starlog Magazine collection.

Admiral Ozzel (just prior to the events in The Empire Strikes Back) learned his lesson well… until he messed up again when alerting the Rebels on Hoth to the presence of the Imperial fleet. ***SPOILER ALERT!!!***