In hindsight, it might've been prudent to check the week's calendar prior to the company shutting off the water for maintenance... alas...
Pippo... Meet Jiggles | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #040
What transpired in the doodle above can be traced back to the two arts’n’craft critters brought in to work by Licensing Lady® created by her offspring.
Below are the actual characters, seen here in happier times:
Gamma Radiation And Glitter | Caricature Corner 04
Another recent Caricature commission (for free, or course!).
A family version this time ‘round, clearly with a superhero vibe (licensing approvals pending I’m sure).(#notifIcanhelpit). The family being of my manager’s:
He being Superman; the wife as Wonder Woman; the boy embracing all that is Hulk; and the little girl as her own character: “Glitter Girl”®.
Normally I’d provide a post like this with actual photos of the subject(s) to compare, but I’ll need consent before that ever happens.
Guest Starring Sock Crested Pigeons | Caricature Corner 03
Another commissioned caricature for management at work.
This one is “supposed to be” our now-retired sockwear production manager-type guy, Ian Rose. Hence the two sock crested pigeons in this piece.
As always, I was given the usual poor quality reference photos (like the one on the right), so I had to employ a lot of artistic license to pull this one off.
"Tower, This Is Ghost Rider Requesting A Flyby" | Caricature Corner 02
A caricature requested by management at work - this is 1 of 2 (the latter’s still in development).
Subject’s name is Dora : she was the designers’ wrangler as Creative Manager (among other roles) - she’s moved on to better things, I hope, as a buyer at Kmart.
Why a naval superpower aircraft carrier theme?
Well, from what I learned from Dora when discussing our favorite movies of all time (mine’s “All The President’s Men”, by the way), hers was “Top Gun”.
Yep. You heard right.
So, naturally I’ve depicted a fairy-winged Dora “buzzing” the carrier’s deck crew.
Special guest star : Wilson from “Castaway”.
As previously mentioned in an older post, there’s always that fear I didn’t truly capture the likeness of the subject… I guess I’ll find out tomorrow at work
Apex Predators V Cupcakes
Global email at work read (along the lines of) "to celebrate the sports team comprised entirely of Panthera Tigrises (it would seem), please frisky-feast upon the box of cupcakes!".
And my response was……….
Faux Exuberance At Work
It’s Monday morning.
You arrive at work.
You have in your head a game plan to tackle ongoing job briefs, allocating time and resources to get 'em done.
You're all fired up & ready to go.
Now, go ahead and open your emails.
At the top of the messages list: "Please, Bort, could you do this thing you've already done, but now has to be done again because of some insignificant thing nobody cares about needs to be fixed? Thanks."
Well, that just ruined my morning mojo.
So my response was a parody of annoyance and pain, yet I had to create a portrait of faux exuberance...
You Gotta Have Faith (That Nobody Screws Things Up!)
A simple Post-It Note scribble-dee-doo-dah sent to a work colleague who’d alerted me she’d been tasked in transmitting vital production art out to the factory offshore.
I could’ve replied with a traditional “Yep, sounds fine. Do that!”. But I took 4 minutes out of my “busy” schedule to quickly do this self-caricature and emailed that instead.
I’m quite certain THIS doodle ain’t worthy enough for a blog post - when I draw things and send ‘em out, my normal procedure is to trash the originals (and whatever JPEGS derived from the originals) without even blinking… however, I promised myself this year - either because of vanity or procrastination - to document EVERY doodle I do, no matter how meaningless and/or stupid they are.
Oh... Great... More Accolades... Okay, Let's Get This Over With
I was notified by email from work that I have been with the company for FIVE years!
And so, I replied in kind with this:
Prior to quickly doodling/coloring and sending this illo off, the original pencil rough had me walking in a solo parade on a bleak-looking day (re:puddles) with one paid spectator asleep in the empty bleachers. But I had other things to do, so it’s just me and the puddles.
The work email further mentioned I’d be getting a $150 voucher from a retailer of my choosing. And a certificate! Whoa! I’m sooooo excited (#sarcasm).
I again replied, asking if they’d instead donate the $150 to the local animal shelter (RSPCA).
I added they may donate the certificate as well… I’m sure it’d be put to good use at the bottom of an injured parrot’s birdcage… I quickly drew that up too.
Forced Vacation @ Home
Back at work for only a week (#covid19)(#lockdown)(#socialdistancing), I had to take some annual leave in order to be paid 100% of my regular salary (it’s a complicated accounting thingy). And it’s compulsory to let the company know when you go on annual leave/vacation/et al, generally by email.
So I emailed this as I walked out last night.
The Big Toe™
Poor ol’ Licensing Lady broke a toe or two at home.
In recovery, she requested a illo of a big toe.
So, with notepad at hand, I gave her a big toe on a (thumb) pike.
So Long “Working From Home”. We Hardly Knew Yee!
Got word from the boss: "Back to work on Monday!"
Huh... after only 30 days working from home, I sorta banked on this whole isolation thing to last a couple of months more...
The Downside From Working From Home? Working From Home
Fathom Boy® Don't Need No Stinkin' Mask
A global company email was sent out to all workers. Subject line read “We have face masks for all who want them!”
But Fathom Boy® refused and replied with the following statement:
Dido vs. Ditto
I sent out an email with the Dr. FuzzyButt's Medical Minute doodle responding to a Flu Vaccinations email from the company where I work.
Received the following feedback:
Email Rejoiner #1: Would you hurry up and go and get an animation job! Amazing work as usual!
Email Rejoiner #2 in response to the above: Yeah... Dido!
According to Webster's Dictionary, did Email Respondent #2 mean I should perform mischievous or capricious acts?
Or did Email Rejoiner #2 actually mean Ditto? Well, no way was I gonna let this slide. So I sent Rejoiner #2 a query, below:
I didn't stop there.
So I sent this:
And then this:
Merry Decemberween!!!
A festive farewell doodley-boo emailed to all at work as I depart for my Christmas break.
Took a week off work - not to recharge batteries, take a beach vacation, or visit my folks - just, well… because! Heck, I’d accrued so many holiday leave days, the company sorta demanded I start using ‘em.
And this is how I announced it to my work colleagues.