This was quickly drawn up, replying to a rambling, long-winded, nonsensical work-related email inquiry.
Aviary Birthday Doodle
A quick sketch/painting for a friend in NJ, whose hobbies include nature photography, bird watching, et al…
Absolute Nonsense! | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #001
Nothing of any meaning here… just me doodling on my legal pad while waiting for a huge file to finish auto-saving throughout the day yesterday.
Actual “artists” - those to whom get paid drawing for a living - would label something like the below “Warm Up Sketches”… just some crap they do at the beginning of the day before any actual creative stuff happens.
For me, when these scribble-dee-doo-dahs were barfed up, it was mid-afternoon (I was all coffeed out, exhausted, dying to get home and dive into a warm bath) and, every time Illustrator auto-saved an open file that’d take 5 minutes to complete, I’d lean over to my legal pad on my left and:
clumsily draw a bloated shape with a colored highlighter;
if it started to look like a “something”, I’d lightly draw in some structural lines with a red pen;
continue this until whatever-it-was looked MORE like a “something”;
grab a blue or black pen to define the shape and shading of the “something”;
add a background color with a highlighter so the “something” can pop off the page;
add more tones to the “something” with a highlighter.
Oh... Great... More Accolades... Okay, Let's Get This Over With
I was notified by email from work that I have been with the company for FIVE years!
And so, I replied in kind with this:
Prior to quickly doodling/coloring and sending this illo off, the original pencil rough had me walking in a solo parade on a bleak-looking day (re:puddles) with one paid spectator asleep in the empty bleachers. But I had other things to do, so it’s just me and the puddles.
The work email further mentioned I’d be getting a $150 voucher from a retailer of my choosing. And a certificate! Whoa! I’m sooooo excited (#sarcasm).
I again replied, asking if they’d instead donate the $150 to the local animal shelter (RSPCA).
I added they may donate the certificate as well… I’m sure it’d be put to good use at the bottom of an injured parrot’s birdcage… I quickly drew that up too.