Pfft! Typical!

Oh, Yeah... I Forgot I Can Post Things On The Interwebs

Just now realised I haven’t blogged anything since [see blog post below this one]… not that it matters, based on the almost nonexistent site views.

So, I guess it’s time to update no one out there on… whatever.

I’ve been drawing up stuff for work, but not ready to showcase it, at least for another month (or more)… I do have some possible gems found in the archives, might be suitable page fillers for this blog in the coming days.

Whenever I take time off from work, I usually let the company know by email with an embedded doodle in the message. The one time I didn’t do that, my boss enquired “… where’s the doodle?”. I responded with the above doodle.

The Lady Of The Toaster | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #049

Don't you hate it when you throw in a Pop-Tart, set the toaster to "extra-dark", and then THIS happens?

Twenty Twenty, Please Please PLEASE Let Me Forgetty | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #033

A final good riddance send-off to 2020...


An ode to Chuck Jones’ 1943 “Wackikii Wabbit” animated short.

Wannabe Lifetime Toonist Career To Slap-In-The-Goddamn-Face Reality | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #032

Panel 1: actual advert duping young, impressionable ding-dongs (like me) to get into illustrating, cartooning, whatever...

Panels 2 & 3*: reality bites.

* loosely based somewhat on real-life events.