Quick scribble for National Donut Day.
Astrophysics, With Sprinkles | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #050
Stephen Hawking, Kip Thorne & Neil deGrasse Tyson might disagree with the scientific findings of Dunkin' Donuts:
A Special Birthday Doodle - Complete With Extra Donut Holes!
Just a birthday illo I posted on Jim Cutler’s facebook page - a talented voice actor-type guy I’ve admired since, literally, hearing of his existence via his Serving Donuts podcast (2008-2009). If you’ve ever watched & listened to North American TV & radio, chances are you would’ve heard his voice at some point. Just check out his credits for pete’s sake!
If you can’t tell, Jim’s a big fan of the donut.
By Popular Demand: Page Fillers | Scribble-Dee-Doo-Dahs #005
Waiting for a guy to come 'round and fix a leaky roof... and waiting... and waiting... gave me time to scribble out more nonsense.
Clockwise, from top-left: every now and then, a guilty pleasure of mine is to play old episodes of the discontinued podcast "Serving Donuts"; sunny Acapulco with bonus kraken assault; some citizenry from Farmyard Heights; Buddy, the dog; and Bat-Person.