
Going All In With This "Space Force" Thing

Alternate title: “How To Get Kicked Out Of A Facebook Group Without Really Trying”

Posted this on a Facebook Group page dedicated to Starlog Magazine fans - for which I was one and also a A-C-T-U-A-L legit contributor to the A-C-T-U-A-L Starlog Magazine for a little over 10 years.

Anyways, so somebody posted something to the group - can’t remember what - and they’d mentioned “Space Force” - not the new Trump-termed military space arm of US forces (rolls eyes as I type), but the long-forgotten 1978 TV pilot of the same name.

So, I penned and posted this doodley-boo.

Reaction was………… mixed.

Plenty of likes, hearts and laughin’ emotes… then the anonymous comments rolled in.

“This is not funny!”

“This group is not political!”

“BANISH HIM! BANISH HIM!!!” (meaning me)

So, I was banished.

Ah, well… making friends. Making friends.

How To Luv A Vinyl Album Too Much By Wearing Out The L.P.'s Grooves

Brain fart cartoon: inspired by a Facebook group post, lauding over James Horner’s symphonic score for Star Trek III: The Search For Spock.

I was, maybe, 15 when I finally held the soundtrack album in my hands - circa January ‘85(?) - vaguely remember it took a number of months to acquire the thing. FYI: wasn’t really into pop/rock muzak in my teens (yup, I was a nerd… a lonely, lonely greasy nerd).

Taking John Williams-anything out of the equation, from the remaining soundtrack albums in my (then) collection, STIII:TSFS was my absolute favorite - almost every weekend, much to the family’s chagrin, I’d fire up the turntable and annoy everyone.

And thus, this exaggerated toon.


Rebels' Hoth Base Grand Opening! Free Tauntaun Rides! (with unfunny conclusion)

Originally published in Starlog Magazine sometime in 1998.

Can you guess this is a really low-quality scan? I think the original was black & white, but was colorized decades later (I might be wrong about the former).

Anyways, the above appeared on Facebook by a 3rd-party poster.

So, with time to spare, I drew up a sequel to the above toon:

Nobody Likes A Disrespectful Ozzel.

Important Safety Tip: DO NOT mess with Darth “Grumpy” Vader’s Starlog Magazine collection.

Admiral Ozzel (just prior to the events in The Empire Strikes Back) learned his lesson well… until he messed up again when alerting the Rebels on Hoth to the presence of the Imperial fleet. ***SPOILER ALERT!!!***