
The Matrix Bullet Time Limbo | A Starlog Archive Cartoon

Published in 2000 - special millennium issue #271, pg.4 - examines the agile flexibility required for ammo-infused party games in The Matrix.

Oh, By The Way...

I rewrote the gag line that appears at the bottom of this toon as I never warmed up to the one I originally did (and subsequently got published) - it felt needlessly tacked on and was only there to serve as a reference point to the original Matrix film.

To see the original (why would you?) click here.

Matrix's Cousin Itt | A Starlog Archive Cartoon

Circa 1999, from Starlog Magazine #268 (pg.10) is one of a number of Matrix gags I did at the time. Being decades old, how Cousin Itt* came to mind when doodling Matrix cartoon ideas is a head scratcher… I might’ve heard a discussion on radio about Itt, something along the lines of “… and all he is is a gigantic sentient fur ball…” So, being completely devoid of a central nervous system, Cousin Itt would naturally be immune to the machine world.

* As I learned afterwards, and recently relearned, in the gagline I’d spelt “Cousin It” with only one “T” - coinesseurs of Addams Family will point out the correct spelling is “Cousin Itt”.