"Is That Your Boat?" | Caricature Corner 01

People at work have taken notice of my cartoonistic scribble ramblings I unsolicitedly email to everyone - usually as a reply to something emailed out by management. Instead of being reprimanded (or fired!), thankfully, they’re fully appreciative of the humorous break from a sometimes monotonous production workflow. Haven’t been told to stop this practice, so I’ll continue doing it until the higher-pay-grade people tell me I’ve gone too far…. not that I’d comply, of course.

Anyhoo, as the year slowly comes to a close, I’ve seen an uptick in cartoony requests of late.

The above caricature was commissioned by Diann in Accounts Receivable.

At right is the caricature subject : his nickname is “HAIRY”; he likes to fish and is quite keen on American BBQs.

As with all caricatures I do, I always fear the end result won’t look like the subject at all. Thankfully, Diann was happy with the result.